COACHE Leadership Roster

Name Unit/Office Email
Kim Eby (co-chair) Faculty Affairs and Development keby1
Supriya Baily (co-chair)  College of Education and Human Development sbaily1
Kate Astor  Information Technology Services kastor
John Dooris Institutional Effectiveness and Planning jdooris
Lila Fleming College of Public Health lflemin1
Cameron Harris Costello College of Business charris
Kristin Johnsen-Neshati College of Visual and Performing Arts kneshati
Alexandra Masterson College of Science amaster2
Brian Platt College of Humanities and Social Sciences bplatt1
Solon Simmons Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution ssimmon5
Ariela Sofer College of Engineering and Computing asofer
Amira Stine Institutional Effectiveness and Planning astine3
Chris diTeresi Office of Research Integrity and Assurance
Jennifer Victor  Schar School of Policy and Government jvictor3